А это просто старые обрывки мыслей в стихах, поскольку написаны были приблизительно в одно время, в одном и том же ключе и содержут тавтологии, я решила их объединить под названием:
My death is my salvation,
My grave is my home,
I don’t want ressurrection,
I don’t know where my tears are from.
As the blood falls on the floor
Death is knocking at the door
I buried my last chance of salvation,
Instead of life I chose revelation.
Forever dying, forever alone,
My heart bleeds in sorrow from sunset to dawn,
I can’t stand this pain anymore,
My illusionary love – that’s what I’m dying for?
Now, right here, I’m waiting for you
To come and to tame bleeding heart.
I know it’s illusion of lunatic mind
But I’d better die than tear us apart.
I know my mistakes, but I can’t give them up,
My will is too weak to fight my wishes.
I’m afraid to find myself alone when I wake up
And just can’t refuse fool superstitions.
A long-distance travel to emptiness.
Don’t know what you’re waiting from it.
A chance to revive buried emptiness,
Or maybe suicidal hell heat...?
Waiting for love you do crazy things,
A weeping selfhatred – that’s what it brings,
You follow your one-moment low wishes,
Don’t care of sacred permissions.
You’ve lost your way within light of the dark,
Your madness is slowly becoming your drug,
You’re ready to kill all of them and yourself,
You’re heartless and cruel, and it makes you crave.
Autumn 2005